Friday, January 26, 2007


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA my fingers are freezing and I can see my breath in the air! Why is the bedroom so cold...
Cos our boiler is broken. Let it snow some more!! I LOVE WINTER!!!

Yesterday I went to an introduction to Homeopathy at Sneinton Hermitage Centre cos I've been thinking about plants and herbal medicine and all this kind of stuff lately. I had a talk with Little Bob about it the other night and he told me all about the Peruvian bark and how it causes malaria-like symptoms and is what is used as a cure for malaria... I never really knew about it before. The woman yesterday, Anne Barker, who is a practicing homeopath, told us all about the laws of similars in treatment, about how remedies are made and about the general principles of approaching 'dis-ease' in a holistic way by looking at the person's whole physiology and temperament. I guess this is all well-known but I'm finding it all more and more interesting. The most amazing bit was about the doctrine of signatures, where you can look for things in the world that have a form representing the thing they can have healing properties for. Like conkers, shiny and round, which apparently are a good treatment for piles n haemorrhoids... and hypericum, a plant whose dark-green leaves at certain times of the year become full of tiny blood-red spots (which secrete the essential oils) - this plant is useful for puncture wounds especially in areas rich in nerve-endings. Mad stuff. And she said the substances being used in remedies in homeopathy are constantly being added to as they want to create treatments that respond more to life nowadays... so there has been a remedy made from plutonium (apparently the bottles of tincture made from this started exploding in the lab).

I like it!! I go looking for herbs...

And hurrah the boilerman is here. WooWOO!


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

where's my knitted bunting

Last night in Padova aaah... rockin with the crazy Carlotta and co

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
سنة جديدة!
nuovo anno felice...

CRIPES!!! A whole year has gone past! Since we began this blog and our adventures in the world! What a wondrous year!

Back in Nottingham now in our house on the top of the hill, all warm n cosy... my tummy is full of beautiful chowder that Hannah made. It hasn't stopped raining all day.
Italy was a great time, again intense and full of int'resting experiences - and it's quite strange being back again after this whole year of AWAY-ness. I miss being in such a beautiful place, cycling amongst gorgeous buildings everyday and having such dazzling magical sunshine... it's been a bit grey here since I came back. Also miss me Leonardo gang and the good people met during the time in Padova... CIAO, PIPPOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!... but we shall return, certo!! It's a great thing to discover there are ace people wherever you go in the world, infinitely comforting! WOOHOO!!
Sadly, I did lose my goat in Padova. Actually I think he did a runner in Venezia one night, lured by pretty girls and mysterious canals... It definitely wasn't carelessness this time... sorry Noel. But il bello capra Mer did bring great joy to many of us and so here's a picture in fond memory.

Also Yorkshire Sculpture Park and a couple of treelovers, and a weird alien light on Nottingham seen from the Oldknows Factory...

Nott'nam has its beauties as well, of course... the little wood near the house is all damp and muddy and lovely as ever... the new Broadway is crazy... and it is BRILLIANT to see all the good folks again, especially when they are dressed as sea creatures from the deep. Roll on spring and adventures of 2007...
