Cor we really do get attached to places round this world... Can't seem to leave Mocambique at all... what a grand time. Maputo has been a bit like Nottingham with people to meet all over the place and mad things happening right along. The folks are the friendliest and keep making us stay and go to parties and eat food and join them in their lives. Like India... hmmm...
Went to a great drumming party and to visit the children at an orphanage place with the rastaman Founder and his musical friends... roamed around this amazing Xipamanine market, the little 'chapas' (minibuses) all pound out music all day long. Found a Broadway-type place, the Mocambique Centro Culturale Franco with lovely gardens and FREE cinema!... went to the famous Africa Bar on Thursday night for live Mozambiquan music and LOTS of Bob Marley... and we know Maputo streets pretty well now.

Ahh beautiful Maputo, the pictures all bring back so many great memories of the week. Thanks for brightening up the town with your presence girls. We will all miss you!! Hope you find enough goats in South Africa!!
hey guys,how are you..ranja here..sounds like you guys are having a blast !
Hey Ana I was in Madrid airport on Sunday! Returning from a holiday in Ibiza we had to change planes and sit around for 4 hours, thankfully the airport was amazing - like a city from the future! Heathrow just didn't compare. Only got to see your home from the air though. Hope you two are still having lotsa fun!
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