We are back!! Haven't done a post for ages but thought we would continue putting on tales of adventure as now have decided to just carry on being excited wherever we are. Yayyy! We were quite spectacularly lame at carrying on with the blog tales, everything just got too frenetic and madder things kept happening than we could keep up with.
But the African journey was awesome and quite massive - we went a long way on inter-city buses and little chapas and took a 2-day train journey through Zambia and Tanzania, with zebras and Zambian business ladies and beef stew along the way. It was fabulous. The whole route, after Mozambique, went:
Johannesburg - Gaborone (Botswana) - LIvingstone and Victoria Falls (Zambia) - Lusaka + Kapiri Mposhi (Zambia) - Dar es Salaam and Stonetown, Zanzibar (Tanzania) - Mombasa - Nairobi - Kisumu on the shores of Lake Victoria (Kenya) - Kampala, Uganda. Woohoo!!! hahaa funny times. Kenya is beautiful, with green mountains and tea gardens as well as bushland. We spent a night camping on the Ssese Islands in the middle of Lake Victoria in Uganda (and having midnight swims hehe) with my sister's friends Paul and Ivan... went to a sleazy-ass club called BOTTOMS UP and saw hippos bathing in the lake at Kisumu... met a guy who was apparently Idi Amin's son in a club in Kampala. Ate a LOT of barbecue chicken. Danced to Shakira a fair amount and generally shook the skeletons to the booming speakers everywhere in the streets. In Stonetown in Zanzibar everyone gathers at the seafood market on the seafront in the evening and drinks spiced tea for hours. In Dar es Salaam people constantly shout JAMBO! and CARIBOU! (hello! welcome!) at you as you walk round the markets (BRRRilliant markets everywhere) and also MZUNGU!!! which means 'oi! white person!!!'
People were gorgeous the whole way and it was really the friendliest experience. Thankyou to all the dear folks who befriended and took care of us!!!
Back in Nottingham now after being in London and Leeds and Norwich and it's a bit hot and breathless. In fact quite a lot hotter than most places we went in Africa...
It has been ace seeing everyone again and so glad it's summmmerrrrrr!!! I just wish there was an outdoor pool here. I am parching!!!! need... cool... splashing... water. Pleeeese can we go to a waterpark, or Ilkley Outdoor Pool, soon...
Have put on a picture of Skipton Market for y'all to enjoy. Markets of the world you see. Plus here's a few of the last weeks of our African adventures...

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